CJC Members Encouraged to Report Abusers and Support the Abused
Churches in the Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) of Seventh-day Adventists were reminded that they have moral and legal obligations when handling victims and perpetrators in cases of abuse.
CJC Family Life Dept. Seminar Boosts Parenting Skills
Through a parenting seminar hosted at the Seventh-day Adventist Church in May Pen on August 25, approximately 90 parents and guardians from churches and communities within the Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) received support for raising children with special needs, play therapy and child nutrition among other areas.
Adventist University in Jamaica Names Pioneer Nursing Student as Product Sample 2024
At the recent 101st commencement ceremony at Northern Caribbean University (NCU), Beverly McPherson was recognized as the institution’s 2024 Product Sample, in Mandeville, Jamaica, on Aug. 11, 2024. The Adventist university saluted her for her commitment and professional acumen that aligned with NCU’s mission of educating students for lives of service throughout society, the marketplace, and the church.
Operation Big Blessing offers Restoration, Empowerment and Renewal through Outreach
President of international outreach ministry Operation Big Blessing (OBB), Harold Ximines, knows what it is like to do without basic necessities. “I wasn’t able to wear shoes to school, even up to ninth grade I didn’t have shoes. I went to church without shoes. I know the experiences that people are having, especially here in Jamaica,” he shared during the Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) radio programme Lifeline.
Central Jamaica Conference of SDA Celebrates Solar System Handover
The Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventists celebrated a major milestone with the handover of its new solar system on June 19, 2024, at the Conference headquarters. The event marked the organisation’s commitment to sustainability and environmental stewardship.
Adventist Christian Education Lauded at 57th Willowdene High School Graduation
On June 30, thirty-nine graduates joined many before them as living testament to the elevating impact of Adventist Christian education (ACE) during the 57th graduation exercise of the high school division of the Willowdene Group of Schools (WGS), 57 Brunswick Avenue Spanish Town, St. Catherine.