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Adventist Community Services

Adventist community services is the humanitarian agency of the Seventh-day Adventist Church that works within Central Jamaica Conference of Seventh-day Adventist Territory: Manchester, Clarendon and St. Catherine. A.C.S. and A.D.R.A. meet people’s immediate needs through social services such as disaster response, education, tutoring and mentoring programs, health screening, and assistance in inner city missions.

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Adventist Possibility Ministries

The foundation of Adventist Possibility Ministries lies in the belief that the gospel has the power to alter our perception of ourselves, others, and God. Our understanding of personal worth, despite physical imperfections, is transformed by the implications of the gospel message. While acknowledging disabilities and loss, our ministry chooses to focus on the possibilities that exist for individuals and what they can achieve through God's grace. We strive to promote dignity and respect for every person while working to uncover hidden talents and abilities that may have been overlooked due to societal stigmas surrounding disability or loss.

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Assistant to the President for Evangelism

The purpose of the Assistant to the President for Evangelism, Training and Development is to equip Adventist Pastors and Elders with appropriate skills and competencies to organize their members to effectively connect and share with others to build strong social relationships, increase the membership of their congregations annually and consolidate all members through appropriate methods, and eliminate or significantly reduce the high percent of inactive membership thereby increasing the number of church members who are active and faithful disciples of Christ.

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Bible School

The Bible School functions as a dynamic evangelistic tool, aimed at mobilizing every member into an effective and efficient outreach team while engaging individuals in actively studying God’s Word.

The School presently offers a wide variety of lessons such as Basic Bible Doctrines, Seven Steps, and The Believers, just to name a few.

Through our Free Bible correspondence courses, and other tracts we bring faith and hope to a dying world, and motivate every member to a life of Christian service.

Our Online Bible School has been under development since February 2020. Until it is complete, we are recommending you enjoy the >>> Let's Talk About Him Study Platform. <<<

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Purpose: To create a favourable image of the church, its mission, life, witness and related activities by using the most effective means of communication.

Mission: Building bridges of hope. Duties of the Communication Director: Trains Educates Recruits Produces


  • News and information
  • Public Relations & Media Relations
  • Media Production services
  • Crisis communication
  • Online services
  • Photography

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The Department of Education exists for the purpose of promoting the cause of Christian education and to counsel in the establishment supervision, maintenance, and operation of denominational schools, colleges, and universities in the territory of the Central Jamaica Conference.

Philosophy is the persistent attempt of man's intellect to understand and describe the world in which we live and of which we are a part. It is an effort to solve fundamental problems, to gain a comprehensive view of the universe and to find answers to questions on the origin, nature, and destiny of matter, energy, life, mind, good, and evil.

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Family Ministries & Counselling Services

Scripture affirms the importance of the family and outlines the divine principles which govern family relationships. At creation, God instituted marriage - and with it the family (Genesis 2:18-25) - as God's primary setting for human development and nurturance. When Christ redeemed all human experience from the curse of sin, He redeemed marriage and family relationships. He calls family members to relate in ways that befit those who have responded to the gospel (Ephesians 5:21-6:4).

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Health Ministries

Christ ministered to the whole person. Following His example, the mission of the Seventh-day Adventist Church includes a ministry of healing the whole person - body, mind, and spirit. The ministry of healing includes care and compassion for the sick and suffering and the maintenance of health.

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Publishing Ministry

The Seventh-day Adventist Church, in harmony with its mission to preach the Everlasting Gospel to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people (Rev. 14:6), establishes the Inter-American Division Publishing System, as a group of elements integrated with one another, through a policy which unites and organises them, with the purpose of fulfilling the mission of the Christ through missionary publications, both for the Church and the general public.

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