The Seventh-day Adventist Church in Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) warmly welcomes you to our physical and online locations in Manchester, Clarendon, and St. Catherine. Our over 111,000 members are grateful that you have chosen to join us here, where we are commissioned and positioned by God for MORE in ministry.
I Will Go: Repositioned for MORE (Mission, Opportunities, Relationships, Empowerment)
The President’s Responsibilities:
The CJC President
- Serves the general interest of Central Jamaica Conference as the Executive Committee shall determine
- Adheres to the policies of the Jamaica Union, Inter-American Division, and General Conference
- Works in harmony with the Jamaica Union Conference and in close counsel with Union Officers
- Directs the strategic initiatives of the Central Jamaica Conference
- Supervises the operations of Central Jamaica Conference, the pastoral staff, and the workforce.
- Speaks publicly on behalf of the Constituency on issues of national importance.
Director of Evangelism
In consultation with other administrators and the pastoral staff, evangelistic goals are set, then voted by the Conference Executive Committee, and supervised by the president. He takes a special interest in fostering the evangelistic work of the Conference, encouraging soul-winning endeavours by all workers.
Committees & Boards
The President is Chairman of the following committees and boards:
Evangelism Committee, Development Committee, Executive Committee, Finance Committee, Education Board, Publishing Board, H. S. Walters Health & Outreach Centre Board, Willowdene Group of Schools Board, and Departmental Council.
He is a member of:
- Northern Caribbean University Board
- Jamaica Union Executive Committee
- ADRA Board
- NCU Media Board