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Music and Worship: Church Music Symposium

On Sunday, September 1, 2024, the Music Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Central Jamaica Conference, in collaboration with Northern Caribbean University's Department of Music and Fine Arts, held a transformative symposium on "Music and Worship." The event brought together church leaders, musicians, and music enthusiasts to explore the evolving role of music in worship within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.

Local Conference | Liseth Martin

On Sunday, September 1, 2024, the Music Department of the Seventh-day Adventist Church, Central Jamaica Conference, in collaboration with Northern Caribbean University's Department of Music and Fine Arts, held a transformative symposium on "Music and Worship." The event brought together church leaders, musicians, and music enthusiasts to explore the evolving role of music in worship within the Seventh-day Adventist Church.


The day began with an uplifting session of congregational singing led by NCU’s talented music students, setting a spiritual tone for the symposium. Pastor Robert Williams followed with a powerful nugget, reminding participants of the spiritual importance of music in worship, before leading the assembly in prayer.


The Department of Music & Fine Arts at NCU delivered a stirring musical selection, enriching the atmosphere before Pastor Nevail Barrett, President and Director, delivered the opening remarks. In his address, Pastor Barrett emphasized the need for the church to adapt to contemporary trends in worship music while staying true to its spiritual roots.


Mrs. Liseth Martin, serving as the MC, introduced the distinguished presenters who led the General Session, the highlight of the day:


Ms. Glenda Anderson tackled the crucial questions, "Who and where is the focus of worship?" and "Who cares about Christian standards in music?" Her thought-provoking presentation urged attendees to assess the priorities in modern worship settings critically.


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Miss Glenda Anderson makes her presentation on "Who and Where is the Focus of Worship? Who Cares about Christian Standards in Music?" during the "Whole Note" Music Workshop on Sunday, September 1, 2024 :: Photo credit: Garry Witter, Field and Studio Production Manager, CJC

Dr. Marilyn Anderson explored "The Growing Music in the Church," discussing the influence of contemporary trends on worship practices. She emphasized the importance of balancing tradition with innovation in church music.


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Dr Marilyn Anderson making a presentation on The Growing Music in the Church during the "Whole Note" Music Workshop on Sunday, September 1, 2024 :: Photo credit: Garry Witter, Field and Studio Production Manager, CJC

Dr. Diana Sinclair-Wilson addressed "The Implications of Singing and Musical Instruments in Worship," offering a theological perspective on using music and instruments to enhance spiritual experiences without compromising the sacredness of worship.


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Dr Diana Sinclair-Wilson is introduced to the gathering at the "Whole Note" Music Workshop on Sunday, September 1, 2024 :: Photo credit: Garry Witter, Field and Studio Production Manager, CJC

Interspersed with these presentations were inspiring musical performances, including a memorable solo by Mr. Adrian Walker, adding depth and emotion to the discussions.


Following the General Session, participants engaged in targeted breakout sessions:


Group 1, led by Dr. Marilyn Anderson, focused on singers, including choristers, groups, and soloists.

Group 2, guided by Dr. Diana Sinclair-Wilson, addressed the specific challenges faced by instrumentalists in worship.

Group 3, under the leadership of Ms. Glenda Anderson, brought together pastors, elders, church musicians, and music directors for a discussion on leadership in worship music.


The symposium concluded with a dynamic Q&A session, allowing attendees to share their thoughts and seek further insights from the presenters. The event wrapped up with expressions of gratitude, a final musical selection by Mr. Adrian Walker, and a closing prayer by Pastor Lascelles Grant.


This collaborative symposium between the Central Jamaica Conference and NCU marks a significant step in addressing contemporary challenges in church music, reaffirming the commitment of both institutions to nurturing a deeper connection between faith and artistic expression in worship.


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