Vice President of the Inter-American Division (IAD) of Seventh-day Adventists, Pastor Al Powell has encouraged delegates at the sixth quadrennial session of the CJC to follow God’s cues as they make decisions for the next four years.
He alluded to Moses’s leadership of Israel through the wilderness, noting that Moses was not the one who decided the direction of the sojourn.
Pastor Al Powell, Vice President of the I.A.D. delivering the keynote address for the opening ceremony of the 6th Quadrennial Session of the Central Jamaica Conference :: Photo credit: Zachary Ross
“As Moses was in the desert, he was never in control of the leading of God’s people. When your cloud moves God is leading. And it is best to go where God is telling you to go. It is the safest place to be,” Pastor Powell said in reference to the cloud God used to direct Israel by day en route to Canaan from Egypt.
Powell praised the church in Jamaica for making the IAD ‘look good’. He said the CJC will carry on that legacy in the proceedings of the next two days.
“The reason we are here today is because the cloud has brought us here. By God’s grace, allow Him to lead in this session,” Powell said.
CJC President, Pastor Nevail Barrett welcomed delegates to conduct the business of the church under the leadership of the Holy Spirit.
“Regardless of what happens here today and tomorrow we are confident that God is in charge of His church,” Barrett said.
Pastor Nevail Barrett addressing the delegates and guests at the opening ceremony of the 6th Quadrennial Session held at Camp Verley :: Photo credit: Zachary Ross
He also welcomed leaders present from the Jamaica Union including President Pastor Everett Brown, Executive Secretary Pastor Meric Walker and Treasurer Pastor Adlai Blythe and Communication Director Nigel Coke.
Custos Rotolorum of St.Catherine, Icylin Golding, in her greeting expressed gratitude to the CJC for its contributions in the areas of health, welfare, societal challenges, unattached youth and senior citizens. She expressed wishes for a good session.
Custos Rotolorum of St. Catherine, Hon. Icylin Golding brings greetings to the attendees of the 6th Quadrennial Session of the Central Jamaica Conference :: Photo credit: Zachary Ross
Other civic leaders present included Member of Parliament for South East St. Catherine Robert Miller, Chaplain and Assistant Chaplain for the Jamaica Constabulary Force Pastor Gary Budhoo-Fletcher and Pastor Dexter Dennis respectively and Senior Superintendent of the St. Catherine North Division Howard Chambers.
In addition to the delegation at Camp Verley, sections of the programme were live streamed to accommodate virtual attendees.
The session is convened to elect the administration for the next four years, to make plans, constitutional changes and recommendations. The theme is ‘God Leads’.