Twenty-four persons were recognised for faithful service to the church in the Central Jamaica Conference (CJC) of Seventh-day Adventists (SDAs) during the grand finale of the Inter-American Division (IAD) Centennial Celebration held on Sabbath October 29 at the May Pen SDA church.
The awardees which include preachers, educators, youth, and leaders of various ministries are among 6000 persons who were recognised across IAD territories.
CJC president, pastor Nevail Barett, said the certificates and medallions show the appreciation of the conference.
“The Central Jamaica Conference values your dedicated service to God and the church. That is what we are here to do...We congratulate you”, Barrett said.
The awardees are as follows:
1. Pastor Wayne Smikle – Outstanding pastor in the area of discipleship.
2. Ewan Smith - Outstanding deacon who has shown unwavering commitment over the last five years
3. Carol Walker - Outstanding deaconess who has shown unwavering commitment over the last five years.
4. Pastor Robert Williams - Outstanding pastoral evangelist who, from the cadre of ministers, has recorded the most baptisms over the last five years.
5. Anthony Myers - Outstanding small group leader. All members of the group have remained faithful and the group has been growing over the last five years.
6. Delores Blair - Outstanding Sabbath school teacher and superintendent. She nurtures active and new members in spiritual disciplines and participates in the reconciliation of former members to Christ.
7. Paul Newton - Outstanding lay preacher who, from the cadre of lay preachers, has baptised the most persons over the past five years.
8. Lyneve McLeish - Outstanding possibility ministries member who embraces inclusion as she serves members with disabilities.
9. Ruth Walcott - Outstanding leadership in prayer ministries. She effectively leads out in intercessory prayer to influence qualitative church growth in each local field.
10. Reuel Robinson - Outstanding child preacher who influenced the most persons to be baptised over the last two years.
11. Judith Forbes - Outstanding leader in women’s ministries most involved in fulfilling the mission.
12. Lorna Bansie - Outstanding Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) volunteer most involved in delivering relief assistance to the needy.
13. Chantell Guthrie - Outstanding youth who has been dedicated to fulfilling the mission of the youth ministry over the past five years.
14. Pastor Dwaine Scott - Outstanding chaplain who collaborates with others in the work of evangelism and soul-winning.
15. Howard Grant - Outstanding public university student who is a courageous advocate of his faith on and off campus.
16. Clifford Hamilton - Outstanding publishing worker who has given over 15 years of service achieving the most sales in the CJC and many souls won to Christ.
17. Peter Williams - Outstanding educator who has been most effective in promoting Adventist Christian education.
18. Hernel Latty - Outstanding communication specialist most innovative in the use of technology.
19. Dr Joan Lamle - Outstanding healthy lifestyle advocate who is highly effective in the holistic promotion of the principles of a healthy lifestyle.
20. Alfredo Jennings - Outstanding stewardship who is highly effective in promoting the principles of stewardship.
21. Howard Ottey - Outstanding marriage and family life leader who has organized and maintained an effective family ministries club in the church over the last five years.
22. Dr Clifton Reid- Outstanding services to the community.
23. Jonathan Hayden - Outstanding contribution to evangelism.
24. Antoinette Allen - Outstanding contribution to education.
Associate executive secretary of the Jamaica Union, Doreen Grant, encouraged the awardees to continue to work with zeal and commitment as did the apostle Paul noting that the mission is even more urgent now than then.
Elder Doreen Grant, Associate Executive Secretary at the Jamaica Union, presents to the members and awardees at the IAD Centennial Awards Celebration on October 29, 2022, at the May Pen SDA Church. :: Photo credit: Andrew Johnson
“Most of the persons that we honored today are not preachers. They are persons who do their ‘little work’ in their own way so that the mission can continue. To the many others who are doing their ‘little bit’ in their corner of the field, know that your work is important to the ministry”, she said.
Family life director at the Jamaica Union, Dr. Roy Dennis, recounted IAD origins noting that 7000 SDA members across the Caribbean Central and South America were organised into the division in 1922.
Dr Roy Dennis, Director of Family Ministries, Stewardship & Trust Services at the Jamaica Union addressing the members during the IAD Centennial Celebration on October 29, 2022 :: Photo credit: Andrew Johnson
“We now have 3.6 million Seventh-day Adventists in the Caribbean and Central America, to God be the glory. We are privileged to be called as co-laborers with Him in the vineyard at this time in earth’s history” Dennis said.
The IAD Grand Centennial Celebration kicked off in January with the theme ‘Celebrating His Providence, Affirming Our Values'.